Grouwels Vastgoed is about quality and good service. However, if you are dissatisfied or want to request a repair, please let us know.

Frequently asked questions

Who should I contact for technical questions?

If Grouwels Vastgoed manages your home, you can call us or send us an e-mail at If the management is performed by third parties, you should report your problem to them. For central heating breakdowns, we would like to refer you to one of our partner installers.

Who pays the maintenance costs?

At the start of your lease, you received a maintenance booklet from us. This provides answers to your maintenance questions.

Who should I contact for financial questions?

For questions on service costs, direct debits, or rent increases, you can call our Leasing and Management department or send an e-mail via

Who should I contact for problems with the central heating?

In the event of a central heating failure, you can call the installer responsible for the maintenance and the failure of your individual central heating system or boiler. You will have information on the installer, and you will usually find these details on a sticker on the boiler.

If the hot water supply is included in the rental agreement (this is not automatically the case), you can contact this installer directly.

If you are connected to a joint central heating system (which will be the case if your heating costs are charged via Grouwels Vastgoed), you can contact the building manager. In the case of district heating, you should contact your supplier.

If there is an urgent leak, you can contact this installer.

Can we do something for you?

+31 (0)43 325 45 65 Mail us

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